Note: If you experience problems listening to any of the MP3's, try using Google Chrome browser as the files have been stored on Google Drive and some browser windows do not work well with Google. Do keep in mind that all these files can be saved to your own device. Just right-click and click on "Save Link As" then you can save them to a desired location.
Keep in mind that some of these messages have been converted from cassette tape to MP3, so the quality might not be as good!!!
If you have any messages of past or present Sovereign Grace Baptist preachers and would like to send us a copy to add to this site, feel free to contact us via email. Thank you!!! is our email address.
Bro. Tom Ross (South Point, OH)
Bro. Tom Ross archive of messages
Bro. Garner Smith -Baptist Adjectives -2 Kings Chp5 -2 Timothy Chp.4 -The Bible and The Baptist |
Bro. Ted Tweet -The Confidence of the Christian |
Bro. Joe Wilson (This recording is one and a half of another message...from a cassette tape) -Unknown Title |
Bro. Jon Rule
-Ps 73- Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Bro. Sam Wilson -What does it mean to know Christ? |