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Keep in mind that some of these messages have been converted from cassette tape to MP3, so the quality might not be as good!!!

If you have any messages of past or present Sovereign Grace Baptist preachers and would like to send us a copy to add to this site, feel free to contact us via email. Thank you!!! is our email address.



Bro. Milburn Cockrell (In Glory)

-Who Are We

-Why Church Discipline 

-Christs Ability to Save

-The Blessed Hope

-The Cities of Refuge

-The Lord's Day

-The Promises of God

-The Sins of Others 

-Comments on Clouds

-Following the Crowd

-Gospel Gems

-Joy Over One Repenting Sinner

-The Bible and the Baptists

-The Rainmaker

-The Wizard of the Wind

-The Duty of Church Members

-It is Finished 1977

-Rich Man & Lazarus Pt.1

-Rich Man & Lazarus Pt.2

-Rich Man & Lazarus Pt.3

-Sin and its Wages

-Surely Goodness and Mercy

-Spiritual Vegetation

-The Abomination of Desolation

-The Death of a Saint

-The Doctrine of Sanctification Pt.1

-The Doctrine of Sanctification Pt.2

-The First Resurrection Pt.1

-The First Resurrection Pt.2

-The Hidden Treasure

-The Joyful Sound

-The Judgment Seat of Christ Pt.1

-The Judgment Seat of Christ Pt.2

-The Judgment Seat of Christ Pt.3

-The Pounds Pt.1

-The Pounds Pt.2

-The Restoration of Israel

-The Rich Fool

-The Sower

-The Story of Ruth

-The Talents

-The Ten Virgins

-The Two Invitations

-The Lost Son Pt.1

-The Lost Son Pt.2

-The New Heaven and Earth

-The Parable of the Olive Tree

-Two Worshippers

-Unjust Judge

-Unjust Steward

-Wheat and the Tares

-Why be a church member Pt.1

-Why be a church member Pt.2

Bro. Ron Crisp

-History of Special Revelation

-Divine Illumination

-Guidance in Lifes Decisions

-Is Your Name in Gods Book

-Misinterpreting Providence

-Theology of Suffering

-Biblical Morality

-Justification by Faith Alone

-Personal Witnessing

-The Righteousness of God

-The Pursuit of Profit

-The Christian and Patriotism

-Already but not yet

-True Joy vs. Counterfeit

-Joy in Tribulation

-A Snapshot of Christs Humanity

-Christ Our Surety

-Mediatorial Reign of Christ

-Christs Present Intercession

-The Baptism of Christ

-Greatest of Christian Graces

-What Happened to Hell
Bro. CC Jack Dobbins

-God of Jacob 10-6-1968
Bro. John Gilpin  

-Seven Indispensable Things
Bro. Clyde Hancock

-Have you considered 

-Smoking flax and bruised reed 

-Medicine of the Word
Bro. Roy Mason

-David The Great King  

-I Don't Mean Maybe  

-Signs of a Dying Age
Bro. Mark Minney

Bro. Roy Mitchell (In Glory) 

-How A Lost Sheep Got Home 

-What Jesus Christ is to the Christian
